Legionella water sampling

As we approach heating season, now is the time to get your legionella controls in place

Heating systems have to be checked under ACOP L8 regulations and autumn is the perfect time to do it

Legionella is bacteria that can develop in water. For many of us, it presents a low risk but when breathed in as vapour, it can lead to Legionnaire’s Disease. This can be deadly, especially for vulnerable people such as the very young or old, smokers, or those with underlying health conditions. Because heating systems use both heat and water, they must be checked as part of your legionella control regime. This is a legal requirement under The Health and Safety Executive’s Approved Code of Practice L8 ACOP Legionella Water Services regulations. While relatively rare (there are approximately 250 confirmed cases of Legionnaire’s Disease each year in England and Wales), the penalties for not fulfilling your legal requirements can include large fines and even custodial sentences, especially in the case of an outbreak.

Get testing in place before the heating goes on

Most public buildings are at the point where they’ll be turning the heating back on shortly, if they haven’t already done so. Therefore, now is the perfect time to get your testing place and ensure that your systems are safe.

It’s not just about health and safety

While protecting the health of your building’s users has to be the first priority, hot and cold water testing and dosing will also help to maintain your heating system and minimise the risk of mechanical failure. This can be both expensive and inconvenient when your building needs to stay warm. Putting your testing in place now, at the start of heating season, mitigates this risk.

How we can help

We offer a range of water compliance services to keep your water systems safe and running efficiently. This includes:

  • ACOP L8 legionella testing and risk assessments
  • Closed loop water CLW sampling
  • Testing and inhibitor dosing services

Contact us for more information about our water regulatory compliance services.